viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

"espanglish" accepted by Spain's most prestigious dictionary

The word “espanglish” will appear in the next edition of the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, or DRAE, as an example of the contributions of Spanish-speakers in the United States to the language.
Although some claim that the proper Spanish word for this mixture of the two languages would be "espanglés";  “espanglish” more emphatically describes the fusion of languages and cultures.

According to the academy, the inclusion of these types of words in the 2014 DRAE “is an acknowledgment of the importance of the Spanish language in the United States” where the latest census indicates that this country is home to more than 50 million Spanish-speakers.

Spanish continues to be the fastest growing language around the world and is spoken by well over 500 million people today.

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