miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Why Spaniards speak poor English

In  general, Spaniards are notoriously bad at speaking English and yet they use many English words every day.

In spite of having studied English for many years at school, most Spaniards admit not being able to speak it. Some experts put this down to old fashioned teaching methods at school, where people certainly get a lot of grammar and tests, but very little practice on listening, pronunciation and speaking. In many cases, this is because their teachers themselves cannot utter a word of English!

Another factor that contributes to this, is that in Spain´s films, TV programs and news broadcasts are dubbed into Spanish rather than subtitled. Even though Spanish people watch TV news programs more regularly than other Europeans, they have little idea of how Barack Obama´s or David Cameron´s voice really sound.

That being said, a number of words such as “cool”, “vintage”, “fashion” (which by the way in Spain means a person who dresses fashionably) or “trendy” are creeping into Spanish. In football for example, the English words such as “penalty” and “corner” are being used by many commentators while words such as “sandwich”, “ticket”, “parking”, “software”, “email” and of course the infectious and otherwise infamous “overbooking” - which although incorrectly used in Spanish, accurately reflects the trend.

But does the fastest growing language in the world, as confirmed by UNESCO, really need to borrow from English? What do you think?
For mor information visit www.espanglish.net

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